Sound, operability, and reliability must all be first class, and implemented in a way that allows engineers to concentrate fully on helping artists and performers deliver their message.



Two Types of I/O

Input circuitry and processing are critical to achieving a high level of sonic quality. The output end of the signal chain plays an important role in maintaining that quality too. Yamaha offers two types of high-performance I/O Rack units for RIVAGE PM system input and output, each providing compatibility with a different audio network. One of those networks is TWINLANe, capable of carrying up to 400 audio channels via optical cable. The RPio622 and RPio222 I/O racks are TWINLANe devices, as are the HY256-TL and HY256-TL-SMF audio interface cards. The RPio622 and RPio222 I/O racks include Hybrid Microphone Preamplifiers with high-performance analog input stages, plus advanced digital sections that include accurate emulations of Rupert Neve Designs transformer and SILK processing circuitry. Audinate Dante network compatibility, a standard feature in many other Yamaha consoles and pro audio products, is also available. The Rio3224-D2 and Rio1608-D2 I/O Racks and the HY144-D audio interface card are Dante ready, and can be combined to provide natural sound input with any RIVAGE PM series system. Either network solution is capable of capturing the sound being created on stage, without coloration and with every nuance intact, allowing the engineer to use the creative capabilities of the RIVAGE PM series to reach the audience with maximum impact.


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