A major benefit of modern digital consoles is scene memory. But different engineers can have widely varying mixing styles and views on how scene memory should be used, so it is a feature that must be implemented in the most flexible way possible.
The RIVAGE PM7 system provides a variety of ways to filter scene memory recall operations. Focus recall, a feature that is already familiar to Yamaha console users, makes it possible to specify the types of data to be recalled. Recall Safe works the other way, preventing specified types of data from being recalled. Now the Isolate filter makes it possible to specify entire channel modules, including EQ and dynamics libraries, etc., that will be protected from recall operations. This means that even if certain parameters of a channel are protected by Recall Safe, for example, you can instantly isolate and protect the entire channel from recall without altering the Recall Safe settings. This is a feature that will be of great value in situations where scene memory is used heavily.